
Corporate philanthropy and sponsorship for reinforcing the identity and promoting the development of your business!


Many of the activities of MEC’ENE/Mécénat & Entreprise involve supporting and assisting large groups with their own corporate patronage, sustainable development and public relations efforts, both in France and abroad.


Because corporate sponsorship is not the exclusive domain of large companies, we also work with regional SMEs and various local governments and consular networks, in support of their collective patronage initiatives.


MEC’ENE/Mécénat & Entreprise also advises major cultural institutions, the most prestigious higher education establishments and far-reaching general interest projects (environment, charity, etc.) on how to formalise their corporate sponsorship needs and their fundraising campaigns.

We perform assignments in highly varied fields: audit and design of an approach to strategic corporate sponsorship as part of a sustainable development policy, legal and fiscal engineering (creation and management of foundations and endowment funds, project analysis and establishment of contracts with partners), financial issues (fundraising or partnerships overlapping with other foundations, public authorities or local or regional associations), organisational issues (structuring of subsidiary/head office sponsorship actions, involvement of human resources), internal and external communications on these subjects, lobbying and public relations.


Your Company and sponsorship


Public opinion, government authorities, employees and investors are the primary forces behind company decisions to engage in coherent, profitable sustainable development, of which corporate sponsorship is a major component.

Sustainable development has become a must for companies wishing to promote their corporate citizenship (fulfilment of their corporate social responsibility or CSR) and that are concerned with the management of local and human resources in the countries in which they operate.  A group may thus participate in grassroots actions falling under the domains of charity, the environment, culture or sport, in particular.

Responsible companies, attentive to their stakeholders both near and far, have everything to gain from investing in this field, which can, incidentally, be combined with corporate sponsorship, if only via a corporate foundation or endowment fund contributing to areas of general interest.

Sponsorship confers a positive corporate aura upon patron companies electing to communicate on their initiatives, by providing significant advantages in their approach of target markets (at home and abroad) and in their negotiations with prospective clients that are susceptible to the idea of enhancing their image and developing their heritage.

Corporate sponsorship, as part of a sustainable development strategy, will provide your company with a firm grasp of the main issues of society today, to the benefit of all your stakeholders.


Sponsorship is a strategic vehicle for the sponsor company’s brand image, allowing it to appear where least expected.


There are many methods, in terms of both the form and the scope of activities, that enable companies to engage in and pursue a sponsorship policy in the name of their communications, human resources and sustainable development initiatives.


The different forms of corporate sponsorship

  • Financial sponsorship can take the form of subscriptions, subsidies or cash contributions from the sponsoring company to its partners.
  • Skills sponsorship entails the use of the skill sets of the sponsor company’s staff, in the form of access to personnel or temporary assignment of staff to its partners. It may also include the provision of goods, services, know-how or technology.
  • Sponsorship in kind is a donation in kind (goods in stock, etc.) or the execution of services free of charge.
  • Technological sponsorship consists in sharing the company’s know-how and technological tools with its partners.


Benefits for your company: creation of value and good governance, closely connected with your stakeholders, amongst others.

Corporate sponsorship is a natural part of an intelligent sustainable development strategy.

  • Your market: gives you a concrete advantage on a market in which CSR is becoming a vital criterion, in connection with sustainable development initiatives.
  • Your clients: involves your clients in your actions. In selecting your products or services, your clients are also indirectly supporting a sponsorship activity. Further, your patronage allows you to maintain a privileged relationship with your best clients (private invitations to concerts, sporting events, etc.).
  • Your human resources: brings your staff together, rallies them and increases their loyalty.
  • Your local contacts: helps you to maintain lasting relationships with networks of local associations and NGOs, with the local public authorities and with influential regional networks.

Not to mention with your shareholders, suppliers, new graduates, institutions, the media, and so on! Sustainable development based sponsorship will give your company the competitive advantage in the eyes of all your stakeholders.


Our services

Making sponsorship, a key element of corporate communications, work in favour of your company’s image and sustainable development.

Not yet a sponsor? MEC’ENE will work with you to:


  • Design a long term, adaptable sponsorship strategy.
  • Make sure your sponsorship actions are in alignment with your company’s sustainable development policy.
  • Present the latest developments in the new legal and fiscal framework for sponsorships.
  • Select projects to sponsor, based on their image development and communications potential, and manage relations between the sponsor company and its partner projects.
  • Implement a sponsorship policy for your company, by selecting the appropriate legal framework (corporate foundation, endowment fund, public utility foundation, sheltered foundation, direct management, charitable association, etc.).
  • Suggest methods for reporting on and evaluating actions undertaken in this domain.
  • Combine the sponsorship strategy with your human resources policy and your internal and external communications.

Already have a formal sponsorship policy? MEC’ENE will partner with you to:


  • Optimise your existing initiatives from a legal and tax perspective.


  • Associate your company’s image with the most effective sponsorship strategy.
  • Promote the selected strategy, and the financial resources dedicated to it, externally.
  • Produce and distribute relevant internal communications on your sponsorship.
  • Monitor developments in legislation and evaluate the results of your sponsorship actions.
  • Our professional experience is based on the wide variety of assignments entrusted to us by our clients and on the contacts that we have developed with all the major players involved in corporate sponsorship.
  • Monitoring of developments in legislation and evaluation of the results of your sponsorship actions.
  • Audit assignments and recommendations for clients’ sponsorship communications strategies, linked to a sustainable development policy where applicable.
  • Identification and organisation of events or projects with a strong image impact in your local regions and abroad, and with the potential to serve as the backbone for the sponsorship policies of major French and European groups, as well as for regionally based companies.
  • Relations with the relevant ministerial departments and their decentralised services (Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea; Ministry of Culture and Communication; Ministry of Higher Education and Research; Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment; Ministry of Health and Sport; Ministry of the Interior, Overseas Territories and Local and Regional Authorities; Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fishing), as well as with the institutions of the European Union.
  • Support for local authorities (regional and municipal councils, cities, etc.) and for their coordinating bodies (such as Associations of Mayors, Departments and Regions in France -AMF, ADF and ARF-) involved in ambitious regional projects.
  • Logistical support for cultural institutions, NGOs, foundations, higher education establishments and major associations wishing to develop their private partnerships on the basis of professional fundraising.
  • Membership in the European network of intermediary structures addressing information on and implementation of the legal and fiscal systems for sponsorships in the EU’s Member States.

We are constantly identifying and analysing the projects most beneficial to your brand image and have formed a unique database that is in continuous expansion. This know-how, based on a dense network of relationships, will allow you to target high added value projects in the fields of culture, charity and sustainable development:


  • Successful higher education institutions
  • Major artistic events
  • Famous heritage sites
  • Renowned cultural exhibition venues
  • International NGOs
  • Humanitarian foundations
  • Charitable associations
  • Environmental protection players
  • Local sustainable development projects, and more


Our team

  • Jean-Luc Soulé (President), professor at the “Institut des Sciences Politiques” in Paris, and a former diplomat, President of the musical Festival of the “Périgord Noir” in Dordogne (France)
  • Philippe Mangeard (Vice President), in charge of institutional relations.
  • Grégoire Berger, Project manager
  • Ewa Maczka, Project manager
  • Timothé Juton, Project manager
  • A specialist network engaged in various areas of expertise (culture, solidarity, NGO, environment and sustainable development, higher education, lobbying,...) linked with the permanent team of MEC'ENE.


A considerable amount of legislation has been adopted (in the form of laws, decrees, orders and tax instructions) since the law of 1st August 2003 on sponsorship, not for profit associations and foundations, which now provides for a legal and fiscal system that is extremely favourable to the development of corporate and individual sponsorship, notably stipulating:

  • A 60% tax reduction on corporate income tax payable by companies, capped at 0.5% of turnover ex-VAT (possibility of carrying this reduction forward over the following five years if this limit is exceeded, or if the results of the current year were nil or negative). On 1st January 2010, this tax reduction was extended to donations and payments to general interest structures with head offices in a country in the European Union or the European Economic Area (subject to a tax agreement with France).
  • A 90% tax reduction on corporate income tax for payments made for the acquisition, by the State or any other public corporation, of a national treasure in France or of an item of major cultural interest abroad. Where the acquisition was made on its own behalf, the company may deduct 40% of its expenses.
  • A 66% tax reduction on personal income tax payable by private individuals, capped at 20% of their taxable revenue (possibility of carrying this reduction forward over the following five years if the limit is exceeded).
  • A charge to wealth tax of 75% of the amount of donations made, particularly to public utility foundations, up to a maximum of €50,000 (law of 21 August 2007 in favour of employment, work and buying power).
  • In the case of donations to not for profit organisations that provide free meals to people in difficulty, that help them to find housing or that provide them with medical care free of charge, the tax deduction may be up to 75% of the total donation for private individuals and 66% for companies.
  • An incentive to develop foundations and endowment funds ("LME" law of 4 August 2008 and implementing texts of 2009-2010).
  • Possible consideration from the beneficiary organisation to the sponsor, worth up to 25% of the donated amount (administrative and tax allowance).


All of the main legal texts pertaining to sponsorship related taxation are available on the website of the Sponsorship Mission at the Ministry of Culture.


To learn more, gain a better understanding of our services and receive initial advice, the MEC’ENE team is waiting to hear from you, so contact us now!


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